We are gods! the novel, kickstarter.com preview link.
If you are not familiar with kickstarter.com, it is a crowdfunding platform, where people go to showcase their creative projects. These projects range from music to film, a new tech gadget or an ergonomic harness that helps you with your posture. If you have not heard about the great potato salad caper, you should really take a gander at this project to see the potential of crowdfunding campaigns.
Crowdfunding consist of two parties, creators and backers, the creators produce the dreams and the backers produce the funds to make those dreams come true. The backers also serve another purpose, they can become supporters for the project by telling others about the project. You may be thinking what do the backers get in return? In most cases they are the first recipients of the product that the project produces as well as other rewards.
There is a larger reward that is often overlooked in this relationship between the creator and the backer. What is that? I am glad you asked.
What if the roles become reversed, now the backer has a project, a dream, a wish upon a star, at least he or she know of one person that should be willing to assist them. Crowdfunding allows you to build a strong business, and personal relationship. And if the original creator ask his other backers/supporters to help with that new project, than certainly the new project's creator has quantified his or her efforts.
I would like to enlist your support for my novel, We Are gods.
How can you help? I am glad you asked, you really have some great questions.
My project is not about the money, although I am greatly appreciative of what ever you offer. My project is about you the backer/supporter.
I want as many people as I can possibly get to back this project, that is why the very first reward will automatically give you access to the novel at the completion of the campaign. You will receive a eBook or PDF version of the novel and the reward level will start at $1.00. This is great because of the following reasons.
1. The novel will only be available through the kickstarter.com project, initially.
2. All backers/supporters will get to give their input, suggestions, critique, review of the novel, if they choose to do so.
3. This happens before the book hits the main market, this means you will be first to read, and if there are really good suggestions, may even change some of the events in the novel.
4. Overall you will help a self publishing author make his dream come true.
Will you Join Me in this endeavor?
We Are gods! the novel kickstarter.com preview link.
Stay tune for my next post. I will reveal reward number 2.
Thank You in advance for your support.
If you would like to help support this project please purchase my first book.
Ever Caught a Rabbit in a Cornfield
Need Help with your kickstarter.com campaign.
See what I can do for you at fiverr.com/ntelagnc.
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